Membership Program
Be a part of The Cottage Membership to unlock an additional 10% discount.
Early Bird
- Book 30 days in advance to enjoy our lucrative offers.
- Book: Available for all booking periods
- Stay: Available for all stay periods
Long Stay Discount
Enjoy our discount for a long stay.
Book: Available for all booking periods
Stay: Available for all stay periods
Travel in Threes
Ideal for a small family or group, this package offers a room for 3 persons.
Book: Available for all booking periods
Stay: Available for all booking periods
Choose from our wide selection of tailor-made promotions that best suit your needs.

Membership Program
Be part of our membership and receive our exclusive offers.
Book Period: Available for all booking periods
Stay Period: Available for all stay periods
Package Benefits
- 10% Further Discount
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Daily 2 Bottles of water
- Round-Trip Airport Transfer
Exclusive Benefits from a Direct Booking
- Room Upgrade (Subject to availability)
- Early Check-in at 11 AM (Subject to availability)
- Late Check-out at 2 PM (Subject to availability)
- Receive a Daily 15% Discount on all A la Carte menu at the Amigos Restaurant (Provided Upon Arrival)

Early Bird
Book well in advance to receive a lucrative offer.
Book Period: Available for all booking periods
Stay Period: Available for all booking periods
Package Benefits
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Daily 2 Bottles of water
- Round-Trip Airport Transfer
Exclusive Benefits from a Direct Booking
- Room Upgrade (Subject to availability)
- Early Check-in at 11 AM (Subject to availability)
- Late Check-out at 2 PM (Subject to availability)
- Receive a Daily 15% Discount on all A la Carte menu at the Amigos Restaurant (Provided Upon Arrival)

Long Stay Discount
Enjoy our discount for a long stay
Book Period: Available for all booking periods
Stay Period: Available for all stay periods
Package Benefits
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Daily 2 Bottles of water
- Round-Trip Airport Transfer
Exclusive Benefits from a Direct Booking
- Room Upgrade (Subject to availability)
- Early Check-in at 11 AM (Subject to availability)
- Late Check-out at 2 PM (Subject to availability)
- Receive a Daily 15% Discount on all A la Carte menu at the Amigos Restaurant (Provided Upon Arrival)

Travel in Threes
Don't Say no to Third Wheelers
Book Period: Available for all booking periods
Stay Period: Available for all booking periods
Package Benefits
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- Daily 2 Bottles of water
- Round-Trip Airport Transfer
Exclusive Benefits from a Direct Booking
- Room Upgrade (Subject to availability)
- Early Check-in at 11 AM (Subject to availability)
- Late Check-out at 2 PM (Subject to availability)
- Receive a Daily 15% Discount on all A la Carte menu at the Amigos Restaurant (Provided Upon Arrival)